Does it cost anything to participate?
No. It is free for all participants.
How much time will it take?
There is no minimum time, it depends on how much effort you put into each challenge. Some challenges will take as little as 15min, others may take an hour. We anticipate that top performers will be putting in 3-4 hours per week over the course of the competition.
What else do I need to do every week?
Marking – if you want extra points. You earn bonus points for marking the answers that other participants submit. This is all done anonymously so that you do not know whose answer you are marking. More than one person marks each answer and then the average is calculated. If the mark you gave is close to the final mark then you gain points, if the mark you gave is too low or too high then you lose points.
How can I check my progress?
Once logged in you will be able to check your score and your school’s score on the website and app leaderboards.
Do I need to be involved?
In theory, the game will run by itself with no teacher involvement, but in practice, we have found that your input, encouragement and assistance goes a long way!
What can I do?
Encourage your learners to participate; help them where you can if they need assistance; and moderate answers to ensure a high standard is maintained for the competition.
Are there any teacher incentives or awards?
Yes! Both. Teachers of top performing classes will receive awards throughout the competition, and special awards for those on top at the end of the competition.
How do you recommend I maximise the impact of #AGEC20_KE?
Here are a few ideas: play the animated promo video to your class; encourage learners to register before gameplay begins; set aside 30min of class time each week to focus on the Challenge; and remind learners to login and complete challenges.
Will you send me material for lessons?
Yes, provided your school has registered. For each challenge theme in the competition we will send you lesson support materials in advance that you can use as you see fit. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to maximise classroom time around the Challenge with your learners.
Do I need to moderate marking?
Yes, if you want to be eligible for the teacher incentives and awards. Most of the marking will be done as a peer review system, but you are uniquely placed to provide moderation to the marking when the marks awarded by peers diverge.
How much time will it take?
We ask that you spend approximately 30min per week moderating answers. This can be done from any smart device – so you can check the marking while you wait in line buying groceries! We recommend that you have at least 30 minutes of class time each week discussing the Challenge so that there is more shared learning between your learners.
How do I log on?
All teachers at Partner Schools who have been registered by the key contact person at their school will be sent unique login details via email before gameplay begins.
What if I am an interested teacher who is not at a Registered School?
Encourage your learners to sign up and participate. They can still compete as individuals and on behalf of their school. We would love to for your school to register – all we need is one passionate teacher or principal at a school who is willing to champion AGEC and be our point of contact for the school. If you’re that person, register your school today.