Next Steps for the Top 20 Pitch Teams
Below we’ve listed some key dates for the Top 20 teams in the Pitch Submission Initiative.
By Fri 5 July
Teams will receive some written feedback by email from one of our AGEC Business coaches. They should use this to improve and refine their pitch.
Mon 8th/Tue 9th
Teams can attend an optional video call with an AGEC Business coach and deliver their latest pitch, receiving further feedback on how to improve it.
Booking slot options to be made available soon.
Fri 12th July (before midday)
Teams would need to upload their Final Round 2 Video Submission. (Upload link to be confirmed shortly)
Mon 15 July
The Round 2 winners will be announced. There will be a total of five teams in the final round.
Sat 3 Aug
AGEC19_KE Gala Awards Event in Nairobi. The Top 5 teams will have a chance to pitch their ideas to a panel of judges for their share of KSh 175 000 investment in their business.